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2019 04 10 zh seminars in bioinformatics

ZH Seminars Bioinformatics - Marija Dmitrijeva

Dynamics of the Lung Microbiome in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

  • Wednesday, 2019-04-10
  • 12:15 in Y-55L-12, UZH Irchel campus

Abstract In my talk, I will give a brief overview of the results from our study involving patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is a life-threatening genetic disorder accompanied by chronic lung infections and the arising respiratory complications. We therefore wanted to gain a better understanding of the lung microbiome in CF and how it changes over time.

During the study, we collected lung sputum samples from four CF patients over the course of two years. DNA isolated from the sputum was subjected to whole-genome sequencing.

Whole-genome sequencing allowed us to detect microbes missed by culture; to identify dominant strains of abundant microbes; and to correct mistakes in taxonomic assignment done via culture. In addition, by analysing changes in single-nucleotide polymorphism frequencies over time, we were able to describe the dynamics of multiple strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa within the same patient.

This study provides a first insight into the advantages of assessing the complete lung microbiome over time. We hope that the strategies proposed in this study will assist in making more informed decisions on CF management in the clinic in the future.