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Biological Networks

BIO390 UZH HS24 - Introduction to Bioinformatics
08:00-09:45 @ UZH Irchel Y03-G-85

Andreas Wagner

This part of the course BIO390 (Introduction to Bioinformatics) will review examples of biological networks their basic properties.

Learning goals for exam preparation 2024

After this lecture you should be able to

  • enumerate various examples of biological networks and their characteristics.
  • apply simple quantifiers of network structure to analyze a network, such as the degree distribution and betweenness centrality.
  • distinguish between the structure of biological networks and simple mathematical models of networks, such as the Erdős-Rényi model.
  • explain the concept of modularity in networks.
  • explain how a simple modularity-detection algorithm works.
  • determine whether a network is a small-world network or not
  • apply the basic principles of flux balance analysis to very simple metabolic networks.

Homework exercises

Please find the exercises for this lecture in the PDF file. Note: These exercises are for you to solve on your own. You do not have to turn them in and they will not be graded. Even though solutions are provided at the end of this document, we highly recommend that you solve them and do so before looking at the solutions, because similar (not necessarily identical) problems will occur on the final exam.
